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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Premature labor in dogs leads to the early delivery of a puppy. Dogs are usually pregnant for 63 days. Pups…
Foxtails are harmful for dogs. This is because they feature a barbed section. Unfortunately, these barbed parts can burrow into…
Tooth root abscess in dogs happens when pus forms under or around a tooth. Alternatively, the condition is also known…
Chiggers on dogs are a type of mite. The condition can cause lots of issues for a dog including excessive…
Chorioretinitis in dogs affects a dog's eyes. Dogs who develop chorioretinitis end up with an inflamed retina or choroid.
Ear cysts in dogs is a medical condition that happens when a dog's middle ear becomes infected and is left…
An intrepid dog saved the life of a man named Billy Green in Haw Creek, North Carolina when a black…
Pet dogs should not be left outside all day and night. This is because your dog could escape, become aggressive…
Video footage showing VH1 reality TV star Ceaser Emanuel striking a dog has recently emerged, and Emanuel has since been…
Dog clinics can be used as a way to monitor breeding standards and practices. But newer clinics may focus too…
The Freshpet brand's "Select Fresh From the Kitchen Home cooked Chicken Recipe" is being recalled due to potential salmonella contamination.
When concerned citizens spotted a dog locked inside of a hot car, they called NYPD out to break one of…
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