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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Eye infection in newborn dogs happens within a couple of weeks of birth. The severity of the condition varies, but…
Eye displacement in dogs can result in one or both of the eyes moving forward. Usually, a trauma is the cause…
Eye defects in dogs can be caused by congenital factors. Usually, congenital eye defects can be noticed soon after a…
Excessive blood clotting in dogs happens when a dog's blood clots even when they are not injured. The condition is…
Excessive bacteria in the small intestine in dogs causes weight loss and pooping problems. The condition happens when a dog…
Excessive production of saliva in dogs happens when the salivary glands create more saliva than a dog can swallow. The…
Excess magnesium in the blood in dogs can lead to muscle and nerve impulse issues. In some cases, the condition…
Excess iron in the blood in dogs often happens when a dog ingests iron pills or medication. In some cases,…
Excess acidity in the blood in dogs is a condition caused by kidney problems. The condition is technically known as…
Excess carbon dioxide in dogs happens when there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood. This causes respiratory problems.
Excess chloride in the blood in dogs happens when too much chloride is present in the blood. Chloride is an…
Hypopyon in dogs happen when a group of white blood cells form at the front of the eye. The cells…
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