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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Cardiac electrical failure in dogs involves a problem with electrical signals in the heart. The condition can affect a dog's…
Heart failure due to valve defect in dogs happens when the heart's mitral valve doesn't work properly. It's the most…
Heart cancer in dogs happens when a tumor develops from the blood vessels in the heart. Unfortunately, the condition can…
Congestive cardiomyopathy in dogs happens when the left side of the heart cannot pump blood around the body. The condition…
Sick sinus syndrome in dogs happens when the sinus node affects the heart rate. The condition can causes a dog's…
Heart block or conduction delay (right bundle) in dogs is a heart condition. It happens when the heart's right chamber…
Heart block or conduction delay (left bundle) in dogs is a heart problem. The condition causes an abnormal delay in…
Heart block or conduction delay (left anterior) in dogs is a heart condition. Usually, the condition is caused by an…
Heart block (Mobitz type I) in dogs is a heart condition caused by problems with electrical impulses in the heart.…
Heart block (Mobitz type II) in dogs happens when the heart's electrical impulses don't work properly. The condition can slow…
Heart block (first degree) in dogs happens when electrical impulse transmissions in the heart are delayed. The condition might not…
Heart block (complete) in dogs happens when vital electrical impulses in the heart are blocked. This can cause a dog's…
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