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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Hypercalcemic agent poisoning in dogs happens when there is too much calcium in a dog's blood. The condition is brought…
Hormone replacement poisoning in dogs happens when a dog is poisoned by human hormone replacement therapy (HRT) products. Small dogs…
Hole in the trachea in dogs happens when a tear or hole appears in the trachea. Air pockets can then…
Histiocytoma in dogs is a condition where skin growths appear around the head area. The growths take around one-to-four weeks…
Hyperviscosity syndrome in dogs happens when too many blood plasma proteins cause the blood to thicken. It is usually caused…
High cholesterol in dogs happens when a dog has too much fat in their blood. The condition can cause obesity…
High blood sugar in dogs happens when there is too much glucose in a dog's blood. A lack of the…
Portal hypertension in dogs is a form of high blood pressure. The condition involves a large vein that links the…
Systemic hypertension in dogs is a form of high blood pressure. The condition affects a dog's entire body and can…
Inguinal hernia in dogs happens when part of the abdominal area pushes into an opening by the groin. Sometimes, the…
Hiatal hernia in dogs happens when part of the stomach is pushed through to the diaphragm. The condition is often…
Cataracts in dogs is a condition that affects the eyes. Specifically, a dog's eyes will appear cloudy instead of being…
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