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Advocacy (Page 29)
A pet food pantry in New York is one of many new organizations that try to help struggling owners feed…
Even after being rescued she stared at the wall of the rescue office all day long and would not eat…
Officer Marcus Montgomery responded to a routine call at the local PAWS shelter and fell in love with a puppy.…
Max was crying himself to sleep every night. See how much love he is getting now since he has been…
What is Short Spine Syndrome?
Daffodil was born without front legs and abandoned in an old cardboard box. Several people walked past the box, one…
With temperatures over 100 degrees and another freezing night on the horizon, desperate times were calling for desperate measures.
They could have any dog in the world but they chose to adopt a dog who was crippled and could…
In 2013 New York City shelters euthanized more than 50% of the animals brought in. Last year they euthanized 15%…
Benny seems very apprehensive when a shelter worker comes to collect him.
Staff workers are hoping this story gets shared and that it deters unwanted pet owners from abandoning their animals in…
A beautiful video that really captures the heart of the doggie foster parent.
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