A Florida police officer helped a homeless man and his dog last week – he saw a man panhandling in downtown Tampa – raising money to help his dog who was in need of veterinary care.
Officer Bart Wester, a 10 year veteran of the Tampa police department, took notice of the man and his dog and instead of arresting him or telling him to move along, he decided to be a hero and put the man and his dog (aptly named Karma) in his police cruiser and drove them to a place called Vets4Pets which is a charitable pet clinic. Officer Wester then proceeded to pay for everything.

Vets4Pets posted to their Facebook page to share this amazing and inspiring story.
We just wanted to thank Officer Wester for his great act of kindness. Good to know there are good people out there who are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty for those who cannot help themselves.
We hope you’re feeling better soon Karma! You’ve got a good daddy.