I have to warn you, this is one of the most disturbing videos I have ever seen and I’ve seen a lot of disturbing videos. This is also one of the most dramatic recoveries I have ever seen a dog make in my life. I can’t believe this dog lived and actually got his face back. Where did the eye come from? I have no idea.
I can’t say enough for the people at Animal Aid Unlimited and the amazing work they do in India. I’ve seen a few of their videos and they are nothing short of miracles.
No living creature deserves to suffer like this or die like this. Fortunately for a dog named Kalu who was suffering with a huge open, maggot infested wound on his face, he got the help he so desperately needed.
I’m going to start with an after photo because the before photo is literally horrific.

Okay, now that you know there is a happy ending for this sweet dog, here is the horrifying, disturbing and extremely upsetting video. You’ve been warned. Just try to get through the first images of the dog and what you will see is a miracle happening before your eyes. It’s totally worth it.
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