Sickly white Husky dog with patches of mange comforts small black chihuahua.
(Photo Credit: Hope For Paws)

Husky Rescued From Trash Pile Comforts Fearful Chihuahua [VIDEO]

Miley was a very sick Husky dog that had been living and scrounging for food in piles of garbage. It’s unknown what events in her life brought her to where she was, but it seemed as though she was destined for a quiet death, all alone, surrounded by trash. That is, until Hope for Paws intervened.

Hope For Paws rescued her from the trash heap and took her straight to the veterinarian. They discovered Miley the Husky suffered from severe mange, parasites, bacterial infections, and malnutrition. One of her doctors said she would not have lasted two more weeks. Her treatment began immediately with a medicated bath and, later on, surgeries. She was so weak, she mostly just needed time to heal and get her strength back.

The Road To Recovery And A New Home

Medical staff did not know if she would make it. However, two weeks later, Miley looked like a brand new Husky dog. Not only was she coming out of her shell, she was playful and nurturing with Frankie, a newly rescued Chihuahua, who seemed to be scared of everything and everyone. Miley helped Frankie overcome his fears and they became good friends. When Miley recovered enough to go to a forever home, eager adopters submitted 500 applications to take her home.

She found the perfect home and gets plenty of love and attention.

Check out Miley’s new home!


Frankie Found a wonder furever home too!

So it’s happy endings for everyone all around! We love to see pups get the loving homes they deserve.

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