Unlikely mixed breed becomes spokesdog

He has an American Pit Bull Terrier head on the body of a Dachshund. This short-legged large-head dog named Rami was found wandering in a south Georgia backyard. A concerned resident called Moultrie-Colquitt County Humane Society to pick him up.

With hopes of getting him adopted, workers at the municipal shelter posted his mug on Facebook. Thanks to his unusual looks, his Facebook page went viral.

“It is a true pit bull head on a dachshund body,” Dawn Blanton of the Moultrie-Colquitt County Humane Society tells a CNN reporter.

Thousands of Facebook fans applied to adopt Rami. Instead of giving him up for adoption, the Moultrie-Colquitt County Humane Society changed directions and made Rami their ambassador. They are working with him so Rami becomes a therapy dog and a spokesdog for shelter dogs across the country.

“Now I’m going to get the training I need to be a certified therapy dog so I can visit more kids in schools and hospitals, and even the elderly in the nursing homes,” reads a post on his Facebook page.

The post also reads that he is well taken care of and that he is receiving a lot of love.

Rami spends his days at the municipal shelter and he goes home at night where he lives with a foster family.

When his popularity skyrocketed, the shelter carefully considered his adoption. It did not want him to become a freak show.

Rami’s celebrity status has reportedly increased adoptions at the shelter.

Source: CNN News

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