Dogs often surprise us with their quirky antics, but sometimes, they outdo themselves in the most amusing ways. A viral video featuring a dog named Charlie is the latest example of canine unpredictability, as he turns what should be a routine moment with a dental stick into a scene-stealing performance.
Instagram video shows Golden Retriever pulling a funny move with dental stick
Charlie — a Golden Retriever with an apparent flair for the dramatic — has captivated social media users with his amusing approach to handling a dental stick. These treats typically promote healthy teeth and gums in dogs. However, Charlie seems more interested in style points than dental hygiene. The video, which has been making rounds on Instagram, features several clips of Charlie casually sauntering around with the dental stick in his mouth, resembling a cigarette more than a treat.
One user joked, “He’s a distinguished gentleman waiting for his fine single malt whisky and cigar to be lit.” Another quipped, “He’s like, ‘You gonna light this or what?’” Some even dubbed Charlie “The Dogfather” and “Charlock Holmes.” Another user added, “Charlie must’ve had a long day at the office.”
While the humorous aspect of the video is undeniable, it also brings to light the importance of dental sticks in a dog’s health routine. Dental sticks help maintain a dog’s oral hygiene by reducing plaque and tartar buildup. It is essential to introduce these chews into a dog’s diet after meals, as they can help in cleaning teeth when used regularly. However, as Charlie humorously demonstrates, not every dog might use them as intended immediately.
Some dogs might take to their dental chews with gusto, but others may need a bit more encouragement to get the benefits of the chew. Engaging your pet in a playful manner, like hiding the stick or turning it into a game, might entice them to chew on it. You will also want to monitor your pup during their dental stick sessions to ensure they’re using the treat effectively.