It’s not been the easiest of weeks for the Griffin family of Baltimore.
Their emotional support dog, Labradoodle Logan, went missing last week. But after a careful search, he’s now reunited with his family.
Logan has been helping Christina Griffin’s children grieve their father, who sadly died from cancer. And nine-year-old Gabriel told WMAR that he’s “so happy” to be back with the pup after eight days apart.
A Difficult Week
After Logan went missing, the family began handing out flyers and spreading the word on social media. Fortunately, somebody saw a flyer and sent Christina a text. They sent Christina pictures of the dog they thought was Logan, and she was able to confirm that it was indeed her pup.
The family got the emotional support dog around a year ago, when he was just three weeks old. “We have been dealing with grief and loss over the past few years,” said Christina. “Their father, my husband, passed away from cancer and it’s just been a journey for our family and Logan has been a huge emotional support.”
On Jan. 7, she let Logan out in their fenced yard, but 15 minutes later he was gone. “Our yard is secure, the gates are locked and we were just panicking because there is no way he could have gotten out of the yard on his own,” she said.
It Takes a Village
After a difficult week, there’s a very happy ending – Logan is safely back with his family. And it was a real community effort to find the canine, with everyone helping out in finding him.
“We want to thank the whole Parkville community, everyone who helped,” she said. “Logan means a lot to our family and has really helped us through this journey so we’re just so happy that he’s back.”