There’s a reason why Corgi puppies are the kings and queens of internet memes: those short, stubby legs! That head tilt! The peculiar, long, bread-loaf bodies! Their adorable, emotion-filled faces! All the cute pictures below might be enough to inspire a desire for a Corgi puppy of your very own. So, if you’re thinking about going from just giggling at Corgi memes to adopting one IRL, here are a few things you should know.
You will have to choose between a Cardigan and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Did you know there are actually two breeds of Corgis, which were not recognized as distinct until the 1930s? Corgis were bred into two separate types: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Both are adored for their short legs, big ears, and infectious personalities. Cardigans sport long tails and a slightly more robust build, while Pembrokes are typically known for their bobbed tails and fox-like appearance. In fact, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is popular as the breed favored by British royalty, especially the late Queen Elizabeth II, who had more than 30 during her reign!
In addition to these, another variation gaining popularity is the Cowboy Corgi. This hybrid breed is a cross between the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Australian Cattle Dog. The Cowboy Corgi combines the compact size and friendly nature of the Pembroke with the rugged endurance and work ethic of the Cattle Dog. No matter which type of Corgi puppy you choose, you’re sure to find a loyal and spirited friend.
The Corgi is full of sass and makes an excellent house dog

While Corgis may have short legs, they make up for it with their big personalities. These little furballs are known for their lively and playful nature. Their friendly demeanor and eagerness to please make them fantastic family dogs. What’s more, their small stature also makes them suitable for apartment living, though they do require plenty of exercise to keep their energetic spirits in check. Whether they’re playing in your living room or trying to keep up with much larger dogs at the park, Corgis certainly know how to make their presence felt.
These puppies can get a bit… round

Corgis are known for their healthy appetites, which can be both a blessing and a challenge. Because they are so food-motivated, they are usually easy to train using treats as rewards. However, it’s important to be mindful of how much to feed a Corgi puppy to prevent overfeeding and obesity. Generally, these puppies should be fed three to four small meals a day, amounting to about one to two cups of high-quality puppy food. The exact amount can vary based on their age, weight, and activity level. As such, it is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian for a personalized feeding plan for your pup.
Corgis can be little herding machines

Despite their small size, Corgi puppies are born with strong herding instincts. Historically, both the Pembroke and Cardigan varieties were used to herd cattle and other livestock in Wales. Their short stature allows them to nip at the heels of animals while avoiding kicks. Even as puppies, Corgis may exhibit herding behavior, like chasing after small children or other pets. This behavior can be amusing but also requires training to ensure it doesn’t become problematic.
Beyond their super cute face, their fluffy rear has made them quite the phenomenon

One of the cutest features of Corgi puppies is their fluffy, rounded behinds. The way their fur fluffs out around their rear end creates an endearing, almost cartoonish appearance. Videos of Corgi puppies waddling around with their little butts swaying from side to side are immensely popular online, further cementing their status as one of the cutest dog breeds. It’s almost impossible to resist a smile when you see a Corgi puppy trotting along with their fluffy little rear in tow.
That said, this fluffy feature isn’t just for show. Corgis have a double-layered coat, which consists of a dense, insulating undercoat and a longer, coarser outer coat. This helps them stay warm in cold weather and provides protection when working in rough terrain. If this makes you wonder whether the Corgi is a high-maintenance dog, then worry not. While they do require regular brushing a few times a week, their grooming needs are moderate compared to most other breeds.
Corgi puppies will cost you a fortune when you’re buying them for sale

When considering adding a Corgi puppy to your family, one of the first questions that likely comes to mind is, “How much is a Corgi puppy?” Be prepared, because Corgi puppies can be quite an investment. On average, you can expect to spend anywhere from $500 to $3,000 for a purebred Pembroke or Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppy from a reputable breeder. This price can differ based on factors such as lineage, breeder reputation, and location. It’s also important to note the size of a Corgi’s litter, as it can influence availability and cost. Typically, a Corgi’s litter consists of six to eight puppies. Moreover, you might encounter even higher prices for puppies with champion bloodlines or rare coat colors.
Alternatively, adopting a Corgi can be a more affordable and rewarding option. Many rescue organizations and shelters have Corgis in need of loving homes, and adoption fees usually range from $50 to $350. Always do your research and ensure you’re ready for the responsibility, whether you choose to buy or adopt your Corgi.

Perhaps the most endearing aspect of Corgi puppies is that they are incredibly affectionate and love belly rubs. They’ll often flop onto their backs and invite you to give them a good scratch, a behavior that many dog parents find irresistible! This adorable trait also makes them excellent cuddle buddies. Their fluffy, soft fur makes the experience even more enjoyable for both the puppy and the owner. So, if you’re looking for a loving and interactive pet, a Corgi could be the perfect choice.