Video of rescue dogs sunbathing.
(Photo Credit: @harveytherescue / Instagram)

Video of Rescue Dogs Soaking Up Sun in Their Own Lounge Is Everything

If there’s one thing dogs love, it is finding the perfect sunspot for a nap. A recent video posted by @harveytherescue on Instagram captures this simple pleasure in a heartwarming way, showing two rescue dogs sunbathing on their very own balcony lounge.

Video shows dogs enjoying their sunbathing lounge set up in the balcony

The video begins with two content rescue dogs nestled in a cozy dog bed on their balcony. Their owner shares through onscreen text how she discovered her dogs’ love for sunbathing shortly after moving into their new home. Initially, the balcony had furniture that wasn’t ideal for her pets, so the owner took matters into her own hands.

Deciding to give her beloved pets the sun-soaked haven they deserve, she transformed the unused outdoor space into a dog-friendly lounge. The footage captures this heartwarming transformation, showing the simple yet thoughtful changes she made. With a sense of accomplishment, she adds in the video, “I decided to revamp my balcony to make it the perfect sunbathing hangout spot for my dogs.”

The post has since garnered over 60K likes and 268 comments from viewers who cannot get enough of the sun-loving canines. One user commented, “i love how curious and excited they were as you made space for them ❤️ that’s a VIP lounge right there! (very important puppies).” Another wrote, “Looks perfect and they’re so happy being in the sunshine!“ A fellow pet parent chimed in, “I can’t explain how obsessed I am with this. About to turn my balcony into an oasis for my pitbull now.”

Dogs, much like humans, enjoy lying in the sun for the warmth and comfort it provides. Sunbathing can also offer health benefits by helping dogs produce vitamin D. However, it is essential to ensure that they do so safely. Dogs can overheat or get sunburned if exposed to direct sunlight for too long. It is advisable to provide a shaded area and access to fresh water and to limit their sunbathing to safe periods, especially during peak sun hours.

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