Video of dog dancing.
(Photo Credit: @toosdayswithmorrie/ Instagram)

Video of Dog’s Wiggly Dance Around His Favorite People Captures Hearts

Dogs have a special way of communicating their excitement and affection, and Morrie, a 2-year-old black Labrador, is no exception. In a viral video, the dog erupts into a full-body wiggle dance whenever he greets his favorite people. His enthusiastic moves, which is full of tail wags and happy hops, have captured the hearts of thousands of Instagram users who can’t get enough of his infectious energy.

Video shows Labrador doing his unique dance around his favorite people

Logan Crispin, who documents Morrie’s adorable antics on Instagram, recently shared a delightful dog video showing the Labrador’s signature happy dances. The video begins with a text that reads, “My Labrador Retriever and his favorite ppl (other than his pawrents ofc),” setting the stage for a series of heartwarming encounters. 

In the first clip, Morrie excitedly wags his tail as he rushes to greet his great-grandma on the porch. She welcomes him with loving scratches, which the on-screen text fondly dubs the “best scratches.” Next, Morrie meets the mail lady, another one of his cherished friends. The pair’s bond is evident as Morrie bounces around her, clearly thrilled by her presence.

The video continues with Morrie’s grandfather, or “grandpawther,” who is always ready for some playful interaction. In one scene, Morrie sits contentedly on his grandfather’s lap, enjoying a petting session. Another moment shows Morrie holding a stuffed carrot toy in his mouth while his grandfather works on a laptop. Toward the end of the video, Morrie is seen sporting a green sweater, enthusiastically greeting his Auntie Karl. The text overlay humorously notes that since their meetings are rare, Morrie “makes up for it in wiggles.”

Since its upload, the video has racked up over 31.6K likes, with viewers flooding the comments with love and laughter. “I didn’t want this to end! Such a sweet happy boy and I love how he needs his emotional support carrot to help him through his big feelings,” one user gushed. “I’d feel so honored if a dog got that excited to see me,” another chimed in. And in a comment that perfectly captured the pup’s energy, one user joked, “The rate his tail is wagging we can shortly see him floating away like a helicopter.”

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