Video of dog and bunny.
(Photo Credit: @dexterandleotherabbit / TikTok)

Rare Video of Dog & Bunny Bonding Captures Hearts

Sometimes, the most unexpected friendships can teach us lessons in harmony and coexistence. Despite initial concerns about their compatibility, a dog and a bunny have defied expectations in a viral video, proving that you don’t have to be alike to get along.

Video shows bunny and Golden Retriever comfortable with sharing space


I think its safe to say theyre friends?? Disclaimer: Remember to be very cautious when introducing different species together and never leave them out of your sight together. Always be safe?? #continentalgiant #giantbunny #bunny #rabbit #giantrabbit #goldenretriever

♬ New Home – Frozen Silence

The video, shared on TikTok by @dexterandleotherabbit, reveals the adorable relationship between Leo, a rabbit, and Dexter, a Golden Retriever. Initially, there was some apprehension from their owner about how Dexter might react to the new rabbit addition. Dogs, after all, are often instinctively driven by prey instincts, especially towards smaller animals. However, any fears soon faded as Dexter and Leo began to develop a friendship rooted in mutual respect and affection.

At first, Dexter was just a curious admirer, peering through the bars of Leo’s cage. But once the owner opened the cage door, it didn’t take long for the two to hit it off — playing, snuggling, and even enjoying meals together. Their owner says it was an unlikely connection, but one that turned out to be incredibly touching.

Commenters on the video have shared similar experiences, with one user noting how their own dog and bunny enjoyed games of chase, initiated by the bunny’s playful hops. Another viewer remarked on how animals often “defy natural instincts when they are roommates.” A third person added, “Goldens are the capybaras of the dog world. They just get along with everyone and everything.”

While Dexter and Leo have demonstrated that a dog and a rabbit can coexist peacefully, experts caution that not all dogs will react the same way. The Animal Welfare Association in New Jersey warns that breeds with strong prey drives may have an instinctual urge to chase smaller animals like rabbits. To reduce potential risks, they recommend training dogs to consistently respond to commands like “leave it” or “back away.” Such training can be crucial in managing any predatory impulses and ensuring the safety of both pets.

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