Video of dog with giant cone of shame.
(Photo Credit: @pongoandperditadanes / Instagram)

Video of Great Dane Getting Giant ‘Cone of Shame’ Goes Viral

Sometimes, necessity breeds creativity in the most humorous ways. Such was the case for the owners of a dog named Pongo, whose need for a giant “cone of shame” turned into a viral video. The Great Dane, known for its massive size, required an Elizabethan collar so large that the veterinarian had to improvise, resulting in an unforgettable visual.

Dog roams around with a giant cone from vet post-surgery in viral video

The sheer size of a Great Dane is enough to turn heads wherever they go, but Pongo has raised the bar even higher. After surgery on his tail, Pongo needed a protective cone to prevent him from licking his stitches. However, due to his immense size, the standard Elizabethan collar wasn’t going to cut it.

According to Pongo’s owner, Camie, the veterinarian had to get creative, crafting what she called a “Frankenstein” cone — a hilariously oversized creation made by taping together several smaller cones to fit Pongo’s colossal head.

Camie — who posts under the Instagram handle @pongoandperditadanes — shared the video of Pongo sporting this gigantic contraption. The clip has captured the hearts and funny bones of viewers around the world, amassing nearly 7.4 million views and 718K likes since its upload.

As Pongo meanders around the living room, his appearance leaves Camie and her husband in stitches, unable to contain their laughter. For a moment, Pongo’s tiny-looking head, enveloped by the oversized cone, gives the impression of a Pixar character lamp — a comparison that many Instagram users found hilariously fitting.

One user speculated on the chaos Pongo might cause, saying, “I just know he knocked over everything in his path.” Another commenter questioned how Pongo managed to fit in a car with the towering cone, while others referred to the setup as a “megaphone” and a “satellite of sorrow.” Even the official Instagram account of Krispy Kreme UK joined in on the fun, writing, “That’s a whole science project.”

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