Stray Dog getting wet in rain on road.
(Photo Credit: Nitat Termmee | Getty Images)

Dog Evades Capture for Months, Looking for Forever Home


In March, Croghan Dog Control received a call about a stray pup. It took them months to catch the dog, who kept evading capture. The canine wasn’t in great shape when they brought him back. However, after treatment and recovery, he is now up for adoption and looking for a loving forever home.

Stray dog evades capture for months in New York, looking for new loving home

A stray dog who has been through a lot is finally ready for a new home. When Croghan Dog Control got a call about a stray, they immediately started working on his rescue efforts. However, kennels and treats didn’t work for the dog, and he kept evading capture for months till he finally got comfortable around the kennel.

Jay Steiner and his wife got working when they first received the call about the stray. After months of patience and hard work, the canine finally stepped into the kennel and tripped it. The couple then got him into a pet carrier and planned to bring him back home, but he wasn’t in good shape. Someone had shot the stray dog, Grizz, and his wound was infected after leaving it untreated for so long.

Grizz has an extremely friendly personality who would do well after adoption. Although the dog was out in the streets and severely wounded by someone, he happily wagged his tail after being let out in the couple’s garage. Steiner told WWNY, “…he jumped on me with his tail wagging and we knew immediately he was a super friendly dog. He ran over to my wife all happy to see her with his tail wagging. It’s almost like he’s happy to be found type thing.”

The couple took Grizz to Countryside Vet Clinics to heal his injury. He was then brought to the Lewis County Humane Society, which has now put him up for adoption. However, the sooner the stray is adopted, the better because the shelter environment can get chaotic. Staying at an animal shelter for a prolonged period can be pretty overwhelming for animals.

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