Animal shelter staff feeding dog. Dog trainer and caretaker does his daily routine of feeding the dogs.
(Photo Credit: Koh Sze Kiat | Getty Images)

Overcrowded Florida Shelter Celebrates Successful Adoption Event


Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center had been overcapacity for months before it decided to hold an event to encourage adoption. Due to a successful adoption event, the public animal shelter went from overcrowded to empty in only three days. The Mega Adoption Event was held in Tampa Bay, Florida. It took place over the weekend from May 17 to May 19.

Florida shelter goes from overcrowded to empty from successful adoption event

A very successful Mega Adoption Event was a cause for celebration at an overcrowded Florida shelter. According to People, Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center was overcapacity by about 50 percent before the event. The adoption event helped 459 dogs find their forever homes. Moreover, 123 of the 459 were residing in the Florida shelter, which helped free up much-needed space for other animals.

Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center took to Facebook to celebrate their empty B kennel. In the post, staff members could be seen standing alongside empty kennels. While the animal shelter is fortunately rid of their overcrowded status due to the adoption event, many more furry companions are still waiting for loving homes.

The Mega Adoption Event was for people looking to adopt dogs only, as cats weren’t a part of the event. However, the Florida shelter has several feline companions up for adoption as well. The best part was potential adopters could bring home a pup for no cost as the adoption fees were waived. Moreover, it was Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center’s second time hosting the annual event.

The animal shelter partnered with non-profit organizations Team Godwin Foundation and Superdog Outfitters for the Mega Adoption Event. In a Facebook post, the Florida shelter noted their support was “immeasurable.” The Florida shelter also had other local animal shelters participating in the event. Overall, the event was a massive success, with many attendees returning home with a new furry companion.

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