At DogTime, we’re passionate about saving pups and the environment. Who says they can’t go hand in hand?
There are plenty of eco-friendly dog parenting habits that can reduce waste. One of these easily adoptable habits is to switch from plastic dog poop bags to biodegradable ones.
Here’s what you should know about these bio-bags and how they can help your pooch go green!
Why Switch To Biodegradable Poop Bags?

As a dog parent, you are probably aware of the amount of poop a single pup can produce. We have to clean up after our pups, but plastic poop bags produce unnecessary waste.
Using biodegradable poop bags is a simple way to decrease plastic waste from your pup. There are plenty of brands to choose from, making your switch from plastic poop bags easy.
Aside from switching to biodegradable waste bags, there are a couple of other approaches you can take to make your pup’s poop cleanup more eco-friendly.
One of these approaches is to use a reusable dog waste bag. This requires a lot of dedication and cleanup, which can be time-consuming and, let’s face it, a little gross.
Composting is another approach. Composting dog waste isn’t unheard of, but it is a lot more complicated than using bags to pick up the poop. Because dog waste is a biohazard, composting requires research and knowledge.
But some people definitely do compost dog poop. Check out our story about a New York dog park that started composting here!
What Kind Of Biodegradable Poop Bags Should You Use?

There are plenty of retailers, both online and brick-and-mortar stores, that sell biodegradable poop bags. If you don’t know where to start, check out our list of our favorite biodegradable poop bags here.
Making the switch from plastic poop bags to any of these biodegradable ones is a huge step towards being more environmentally friendly. You might also want to check out our favorite poop bag dispensers.
If you’re interested in furthering your eco-friendly pet parent journey, check out our list of reusable doggy water bottles here.
Have you switch from plastic to biodegradable poop bags? Do you have any other eco-friendly ways of getting rid of dog waste? Let us know in the comments below!