Choosing a name for your pup is tough. It’s a decision that will stick with your four-legged friends for the rest of their lives, after all. Some people choose dog names based on their pup’s physical attributes or personality traits, while others look to history or pop culture for inspiration. And some turn toward their faith when naming a dog. We’re going to look at the best dog names inspired by the Bible.
What do dogs and the Bible have in common?
A lot, actually. According to the Biblical Archeology Society, “Throughout the ancient Near East and Mediterranean, domesticated dogs served as companions, hunting dogs, sheep dogs, and guard dogs. Dogs filled similar roles in the Bible.”
There are plenty of Bible passages in which dogs factor heavily. You could even say the bond between humans and dogs is older than Christianity itself!
Many dog owners see their four-legged friends as a blessing. As such, they want their dog’s name to reflect how meaningful they are. Whether renaming an adopted dog or bestowing a name upon a new puppy, using the Bible is one way to find the perfect name for a dog. The Bible contains many beautiful, timeless names with rich history and traditions. Additionally, many of these names are associated with virtues such as loyalty, courage, and strength – all qualities people cherish in their furry friends. So it’s no wonder you might turn to the Bible to find a name for your pup.
If you’re considering a Christian canine moniker, here are some of the best dog names inspired by the Bible.
Male biblical dog names
- Abel
- Adam
- Amos
- Asher
- Barak
- Boaz
- Caleb
- Cyrus
- Daniel
- David
- Eleazar
- Elisha
- Ezekiel
- Gabriel
- Gideon
- Hezekiah
- Hosea
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Jesse
- Joel
- John
- Jonah
- Joseph
- Joshua
- Judah
- Levi
- Malachi
- Matthew
- Micah
- Mordecai
- Moses
- Nathan
- Noah
- Peter
- Reuben
- Samson
- Seth
- Silas
- Solomon
- Uriah
- Zachary
Female biblical dog names
- Abigail
- Adah
- Anna
- Athaliah
- Bathsheba
- Bernice
- Chloe
- Deborah
- Delilah
- Dinah
- Dorcas
- Elisabeth
- Esther
- Eve
- Hannah
- Huldah
- Joanna
- Judith
- Junia
- Keziah
- Leah
- Lois
- Lydia
- Martha
- Mary
- Michal
- Miriam
- Naomi
- Orpah
- Phoebe
- Priscilla
- Rachel
- Rebekah
- Ruth
- Salome
- Sarah
- Susanna
- Tabitha
- Tamar
- Tirzah
- Tryphena
- Zillah
Beyond dog names inspired by the Bible
Whether you choose a name based on your dog’s personality or simply because you love the sound of it, a Biblical name can add a special touch to your furry friend’s life.
Looking for more dog name inspiration? Check out our dog name ideas based on breed or dog names by theme!
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