On Friday February 21st, 2015 in Watsonville California, a small dog and her puppy were stuffed into sand bags and thrown from a moving car. The puppy did not survive but her mother, now named Beverly, would not leave the side of her dead puppy. Santa Cruz County Animal Control picked them up and took them to the shelter.
At the shelter they gave the surviving mama dog the name Beverly and had her spayed. Animal lovers donated money, creating a $25,000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest of the people who did this horrible thing to Beverly and her puppy.

Beverly was placed in foster care. As she got more secure with her rescuers, Beverly’s personality came out. She’s a sweet and spunky little gal.

A few days ago, on March 15th, Beverly found her forever home where she will be loved and spoiled for the rest of her days on this planet.

Thanks to all who helped to rescue Beverly. If you have any information about who could have done this to Beverly please contact capeanimals.org.