Bottle of rapeseed oil (canola) and repe flowers on table outdoors
(Picture Credit: ChamilleWhite/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Have Canola Oil? Is Canola Oil Safe For Dogs?


Can dogs have canola oil? Maybe you’ve wondered if your dog could partake in your meal while reaching for some canola oil to use while cooking your own dinner. If humans can eat canola oil, can dogs safely have it too?

There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat canola oil safely. On the one hand, canola oil isn’t necessarily toxic for dogs. However, there are better oils that can be used as dietary supplements.

Additionally, in general it’s best to keep your dog away from fatty foods such as cooking oils.

As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your beloved pooch. Here’s what you need to know about canola oil and dogs.

When Is Canola Oil Okay For Dogs To Eat?

Thankfully, canola oil isn’t technically toxic for dogs. So if you discover that your dog has consumed some canola oil — or managed to scarf down some food that has been cooked in canola oil — there’s a high chance that they will be okay.

Just keep an eye out for any immediate symptoms such as an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In terms of nutritional benefits, canola oil can provide your dog with linoleic acid, which is considered to be a beneficial nutrient.

When Is Canola Oil Bad For Dogs?

Oil Being Poured in a Nonstick Pan for Cooking
(Picture Credit: mitgirl/Getty Images)

The main point of contention around giving canola oil to dogs is that it’s often made in a much more processed manner than other oils, such as olive oil. Additionally, canola oil is often made using genetically modified crops.

In general, unless your veterinarian has advised otherwise, it’s best to keep your dog away from too many fatty foods, such as excess oil. If your dog consumes too much fat, they risk developing canine obesity. This in turn, lead to numerous health issues.

So while canola oil isn’t toxic for your dog, if you decide that your pooch can benefit from consuming oil as a dietary supplement, consider other options such as fish oil, olive oil, and coconut oil first.

Does your dog seem to enjoy canola oil? Are there any other safer oils you share with your pooch? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!

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