Can dogs eat rice cakes? Maybe you’ve considered sharing some with your dog while grabbing a couple of rice cakes for yourself for a quick and healthy afternoon snack. If humans can eat rice cakes, can dogs safely eat them too?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat rice cakes. While dogs should not eat too much rice in general, as long as the rice cakes are unseasoned and do not contain any additional ingredients or spices, they can be used as a quick snack for any hungry pooches.
Just remember to only serve rice cakes to your dog in moderation.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your favorite dog. Here’s what you need to know about rice cakes and dogs.
How Are Rice Cakes Good For Dogs?
Rice is not toxic for dogs and is generally considered to be a low calorie food.
Additionally, while many rice cakes are made with white rice, if you can find some brown rice cakes, those are even better for your dog as brown rice will provide a good amount of fiber.
How Can I Safely Give Rice Cakes To My Dog?

First of all, while rice cakes are generally classified as a low calorie food, it’s worth remembering that dogs should not consume too many carbohydrates.
Eating too many rice cakes could end up causing your dog’s blood sugar levels to spike and could also cause complications for dogs who suffer from diabetes.
In general, it’s best to consider rice cakes as an occasional treat or meal addition for your dog. Be aware that any rice cakes you serve to your dog should not make up more than ten percent of their daily calorie count.
Additionally, it’s important to only serve your dog plain rice cakes. Check out the ingredients on any packets of rice cakes you’re considering, and make sure that they don’t contain any extra spices or seasonings that could prove to be problematic or even poisonous for your dog.
Also, avoid any rice cakes that have high levels of sodium, as this could bring on medical issues like high blood pressure and heart disease for your dog.
Has your dog ever tried rice cakes? Do you ever give them to your pooch as a treat? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!