Can dogs eat coleslaw? Maybe you have found yourself wondering if you could share some with your dog while helping yourself to a scoop of coleslaw to compliment a barbecue platter. If humans can eat coleslaw, can dogs safely eat it too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat coleslaw safely. In many cases, the ingredients in coleslaw won’t necessarily harm your dog; although, they also won’t confer much in the way of nutritional benefits to your pooch.
But some coleslaws that might contain onions, garlic, and extra spices could prove problematic. Additionally, coleslaw is often high in fat.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your beloved canine. Here’s what you need to know about coleslaw and dogs.
When Is Coleslaw Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Depending on the precise ingredients, coleslaw can be okay for a dog as an occasional snack or treat. Cabbage is usually the main ingredient, and if you sub out mayonnaise for something healthier like yogurt, your dog might receive some digestive benefits from a little coleslaw.
Just also make sure that the coleslaw doesn’t contain any extra spices, preservatives, or onions that could harm or adversely affect your dog.
If you do decide to serve coleslaw to your inquisitive pooch, only serve a very small amount at first, and keep it as an occasional treat rather than a regular mainstay of any dog’s diet.
When Is Coleslaw Bad For Dogs?

Coleslaw can be bad for dogs when you get into the specifics of precisely what ingredients it contains. If the coleslaw contains onions, rule it out. Likewise, any coleslaw that has garlic or spices added to it should be avoided.
Most commercially sold coleslaws contain mayonnaise, which is a very high fat food. So be aware that feeding too much to your dog could contribute towards canine obesity, which can bring on a host of medical conditions.
Don’t freak out if you discover that your dog has snacked on a little coleslaw, but in general, maybe keep it as something that’s only ever served up to your dog in moderation.
Has your dog ever tried eating coleslaw? How did they like it? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!