Indonesian, fermented soybeans cake, tempeh, for a plant based vegetarian diet on a wooden board
(Picture Credit: dropStock/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Tempeh? Is Tempeh Safe For Dogs?

Can dogs eat tempeh? Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering if you could share a bite with your dog while using some tempeh as a meat substitute in a tasty BLT sandwich. If humans can eat tempeh, can dogs safely eat it too?

There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat tempeh safely. Tempeh is made from fermented soy beans, and soy is not necessarily bad for your dog unless they have an actual soy allergy.

But there are issues with the way many commercial brands of tempeh add extra seasonings to their product that might make you wary about serving it to your pooch.

As always, you must ask your regular vet before going ahead and sharing any human food with your beloved dog. Here’s what you need to know about tempeh and dogs.

When Is Tempeh Okay For Dogs To Eat?

Tempeh is made from soy beans. These can be okay for dogs to eat unless they have an active soy allergy or intolerance.

In terms of its nutritional profile, tempeh is very high in protein and very low in fat, which means it could be a decent meat substitute for some of your dog’s meals.

If you are serving tempeh to your dog, make sure that you start out by adding small amounts to your dog’s usual meals. Also, consult with your veterinarian to make sure that your dog still has a properly balanced and nutritionally complete diet.

When Is Tempeh Bad For Dogs?

Fermented soybean cake or Tempeh
(Picture Credit: AmalliaEka/Getty Images)

One of the downsides to serving tempeh to your dog is that many brands add extra spices and seasonings to their tempeh. Some of these additions such as garlic and chili could prove harmful.

Additionally, check the sodium content of any tempeh that you’re considering feeding to your dog. If it has a lot of extra added sodium, you’ll want to avoid feeding your pooch that particular brand of tempeh.

This is because consuming too much sodium can increase the chances of your dog developing high blood pressure and heart disease, plus even salt poisoning.

Does your dog ever enjoy eating tempeh? Do you share it as a special treat? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!


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