Can dogs eat alfalfa sprouts? Maybe you’re using some alfalfa sprouts to pep up a salad and wonder if your dog could also get in on the alfalfa action. If humans can eat alfalfa sprouts, can dogs safely eat them too?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat alfalfa sprouts. In terms of nutrition, they offer a host of benefits, including a good range of vitamins and an amount of protein.
Just remember that you’ll really need to cook any alfalfa sprouts before serving them to your pooch. This will lessen the chances of your dog ingesting any bacteria that might be present in them.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your cherished canine, including sprouts. Here’s what you need to know about alfalfa sprouts and dogs.
How Are Alfalfa Sprouts Good For Dogs?
Alfalfa spouts are a great source of vitamins. Serving them to your dog will ensure that they receive a good amount of the specific vitamins A, B, C, and K.
Alfalfa sprouts also provide an amount of protein, deliver a dose of fiber, and are considered to be high in the mineral magnesium.
How Can I Safely Give Alfalfa Sprouts To My Dog?

While alfalfa sprouts are not necessarily toxic to dogs, there are some safety considerations that you’ll need to take into account.
Most importantly, only serve cooked alfalfa sprouts to your dog. This is because they contain saponins, which can cause issues with the way that nutrients are absorbed by the body.
Additionally, raw alfalfa sprouts usually grow in the sort of wet and warm environment that can allow bacteria to thrive. So, you’ll want to cook them plainly to minimize the chances of your dog ingesting any bacteria.
When figuring out what sort of amount of alfalfa sprouts you can safely serve to your dog, this is a decision that’s best left up to your vet to decide. But as a general tactic, consider them as a smart small addition to your dog’s regular meals rather than a standalone snack.
Does your dog love eating alfalfa sprouts? How do you serve them to your pooch? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!