Can dogs eat tater tots? You may be asking this because you want to share this crispy finger food with your pup, or maybe they stole a nibble of tater tots, and you’re worried about their health. Humans can eat tater tots, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, tater tots are not good for dogs to eat. While they aren’t necessarily toxic to dogs, tater tots contain ingredients that dogs have no business eating.
If your dog has eaten tater tots, you should give your veterinarian a call for guidance. Here’s why tater tots aren’t good for dogs.
Why Are Tater Tots Bad For Dogs?
Tater tots, while delicious, contain no beneficial nutritional value for yourself or your pup.
The base of a tater tot is potato, which is safe for dogs. But, by the time a tater tot reaches your dog’s mouth, it’s been processed with salt and other additives that make this snack a no-go for your doggo.
Some tater tots are made with onions, which are toxic for dogs. Signs of onion toxicity are pale gums, vomiting, and uncoordinated movements. Dogs may experience an episode of hemolytic anemia if onion toxicity isn’t treated.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Tater Tots?

Unless the tater tots your pup ate contained onions, which are toxic to dogs, you shouldn’t be too worried if your dog came into a tater tot snack.
If they are healthy, they will most likely digest the tater tots with minimal discomfort. They might have some gas, bloating, or diarrhea, but there is nothing about tater tots that would cause your pup to exhibit signs of toxicity.
If your dog has eaten tater tots and is showing signs of toxicity, call your veterinarian immediately. Some dogs may have an allergy or intolerance to an ingredient in the tater tots.
With that said, if your pup has run-ins with tater tots and other fried, processed foods on a regular basis, they may eventually suffer health complications.
Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and other illnesses can arise if your dog constantly eats foods that have little to no nutritional value.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten tater tots? What pup-friendly snacks do you feed your dog instead? Let us know in the comments below.