Can dogs eat soy cheese? You may be asking this because you’ve switched a dairy free or vegan diet and you’re interested in sharing some of your new snacks with your pup. Humans can eat soy cheese, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat soy cheese. Like dairy cheese, soy cheese can come in a variety of ways, most of which are safe for your dog to eat.
As with all human foods, you must contact your veterinarian before feeding new dietary additions to your pooch. Here’s what you should know about feeding soy cheese to your dog.
When Is Soy Cheese Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Whether or not your dog can share your soy cheese depends on the type of soy cheese it is. If you want to give your pup plain soy cheese, they are safe to try some.
If your dog has a soy allergy, you should obviously steer clear of soy cheese in any form. Otherwise, plain, unseasoned soy cheeses can make for an interesting, new treat for your pup.
Soy cheese, like tofu, is made from curdled soy milk, which your pup can also try provided it doesn’t have any natural or artificial sweeteners.
One thing to note is that soy cheese contains a lot of fat. If you’ve been told that your doggo needs to shed a couple of pounds, it’s best to keep soy cheese off the menu.
Additionally, some dog foods already contain soy products. If your dog is getting food with soy in it already, you should keep the soy cheese to a minimum
When Is Soy Cheese Bad For Dogs?

Soy cheese is bad for dogs when it contains spices or spicy add-ins. Some soy cheese flavors, like jalapeño pepper jack, have ingredients that dogs shouldn’t eat.
While spicy peppers aren’t toxic to dogs, they contain an ingredient called capsaicin that lingers on the mouth and tongue. When dogs eat spicy foods, they tend to have gastrointestinal issues that aren’t fun for them or you.
Has your dog ever eaten soy cheese? Do they prefer any specific flavors? Let us know in the comments below.