Can dogs eat Spam? Maybe you’ve wondered if you could share a bite with your dog while opening up a can of Spam as part of a quick lunchtime meal. If humans can eat Spam, can dogs safely eat it too?
The short answer is no, dogs can’t eat Spam safely. Spam is made from pork, which isn’t toxic for dogs on its own. But Spam also contains such high levels of sodium and fat, plus a number of preservatives and additives, that it’s not a safe food to feed to your dog on any sort of regular basis.
In fact, if your dog sneaks in too much Spam, there’s a chance they may actually suffer from salt poisoning.
If your dog managed to eat a lot of Spam, call your veterinarian for advice. Here’s what you need to know about Spam and dogs.
Why Is Spam Bad For Dogs?
Technically, pork is the main ingredient in Spam. Pork is not poisonous for dogs. But Spam is a processed meat that also contains exceptionally high levels of sodium and fat. These are always things to avoid feeding to your dog.
Foods that are too high in sodium can lead to your dog suffering from issues including heart disease and high blood pressure. Additionally, salt poisoning is a very real probability if your dog consumes a large amount of Spam.
When it comes to high fat foods like Spam, they can push your dog towards canine obesity. Dogs who are diagnosed as being obese often suffer from a host of concomitant medical conditions.
Additionally, high fat foods can increase the chance that your dog might develop pancreatitis.
Beyond the high fat and sodium levels that Spam contains, it’s a processed meat product that also includes preservatives and nitrates. These can aggravate your dog and lead to bouts of diarrhea and vomiting.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Spam?

When figuring out what steps to take if you notice that your dog consumes Spam, it’s vital to work out exactly how much Spam has been consumed.
If it’s just a small bite, you can relax. Your dog will likely be fine as the ingredients in Spam aren’t technically poisonous. Just keep an eye out for any negative reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, or an upset stomach.
If you realize that your dog has scarfed down a much larger amount of Spam, it’s best to consult with your vet. This is due to the very high sodium levels of Spam.
Your vet will ask questions and be able to figure out if your dog is at risk of being dehydrated or even suffering from salt poisoning.
Has your dog ever tried to take a bite of your Spam? Did they feel sick afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!