Standard Poodle balancing a piece of bacon on his nose.
(Picture Credit: Perry McKenna Photography/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Bacon? Is Bacon Safe For Dogs?


Can dogs eat bacon? Maybe you’ve thought about sharing some with your dog while your weekend breakfast bacon sizzles on the stovetop. If humans can eat bacon, can dogs safely eat it too?

There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat bacon safely. Technically, bacon is not toxic for dogs, but it also doesn’t really confer much in the way of any nutritional benefit for dogs.

Additionally, eating too much bacon can lead to a host of medical problems, including canine obesity.

As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your resident pooch. Here’s what you need to know about bacon and dogs.

When Is Bacon Okay For Dogs To Eat?

When it comes to the nutritional benefits of a dog eating bacon, there really aren’t any. While bacon might not be toxic to dogs, the way it is cured and processed means that it’s not something a dog should be consuming on a regular basis.

Although, if you notice that your dog likes to sneak in a tiny bite of bacon here and there, it’s nothing to be alarmed about. Just make sure that any portions of a bacon treat are kept on the very small side.

When Is Bacon Bad For Dogs?

Hot fried crispy bacon slices in skillet on wooden background.
(Picture Credit: LumenSt/Getty Images)

There are a lot of downsides to a dog eating bacon. First of all, bacon is high in fat and high in sodium. Consuming too much on a regular basis can lead to a dog developing canine obesity, which in turn can bring on a host of medical conditions.

Due to its nutritional profile, bacon can also cause pancreatitis in dogs.

Even if your dog only consumes a small amount, it can bring on a number of issues if the fatty nature of bacon upsets your dog’s digestive system. Some of the most common issues are vomiting and diarrhea, neither of which are particularly pleasant to clean up after.

Dogs should only eat bacon in moderation, and you should talk to your vet before you share some with your pooch.

Does your dog ever get a bacon treat? Does it ever upset their stomach? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!

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