Can dogs eat hot sauce? You may be asking this because your pup got into some hot sauce and is now acting a little strange. Humans can eat hot sauce, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, hot sauce is not safe for dogs to eat. This may seem like a no brainer, but hot sauce is too spicy for your furry friend. It doesn’t provide any health benefits and is painful for them to consume.
If your dog has eaten hot sauce and isn’t acting like themselves, you must contact your vet for guidance. Here’s why hot sauce bad for your dog.
Why Is Hot Sauce Bad For Dogs?
Hot sauce contains the active ingredient from chili peppers called capsaicin. Capsaicin is not toxic to dogs, but it does cause extreme discomfort if eaten. It stays on the lips and tongue for long periods of time after it is eaten and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Because hot sauce is primarily the extraction of this compound, it should be kept far away from your pup’s mouth.
Some hot sauces also contain ingredients that may constitute actual danger for your dog, like onion powder or garlic powder.
If you’re wondering if your dog can have other condiments, like ketchup and mustard, the answer is no. It’s best to leave your dog’s food free of seasonings. If you want to add flavor to your pup’s meal, you could try fennel.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Hot Sauce?

If your dog has eaten hot sauce, you should keep an eye on their behavior. If they have eaten a small dab of hot sauce, they will most likely be completely fine. Of course, this is dependent on what your dog can handle.
Like humans, dogs have different levels of tolerance for spicy foods. Some dogs may have a severe bout of diarrhea after eating a small dab, while some dogs may eat a big lick of hot sauce and have no negative symptoms.
You know your dog, so use your best judgment. When in doubt, call your vet for guidance.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten hot sauce? Did they have a reaction to the spice? Let us know in the comments below.