english bulldog begging for Donuts
(Picture Credit: Carol Yepes/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Doughnuts? Are Doughnuts Safe For Dogs?

Can dogs eat doughnuts? You may be asking this because you want to give your dog a delicious treat, or maybe your pup ate a doughnut already and you’re worried about their health. Humans can eat doughnuts, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?

The short answer is no, doughnuts are not safe for dogs to eat. They contain ingredients that are not good for your doggo, like refined sugar and butter.

If your dog has eaten a doughnut, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. Here’s why doughnuts are so bad for dogs.

Why Are Doughnuts Bad For Dogs?

Doughnuts are not good for humans, so they are certainly not good for dogs. They are extremely high in fat content and are made with tons of refined sugar and butter. They can cause digestive trouble, diarrhea, or vomiting in your doggo.

The level of danger a doughnut poses to your dog depends on the ingredients in the doughnut. A plain cake donut will most likely cause stomach upset, but it is not as bad as a doughnut made with cocoa. Cocoa is toxic to dogs and constitutes and emergency if consumed by your pup.

In general, you should not give your dog any sweets, as refined sugar is something dogs never need, even in moderation.

What Should I Do If My Dog Ate A Doughnut?

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(Picture Credit: Noel Hendrickson/Getty Images)

If your dog has eaten a doughnut, you should contact your vet. As stated, the level of urgency depends on the type of doughnut your dog has consumed.

A chocolate doughnut can cause potentially fatal symptoms like abnormal heart rhythm or seizures, while a plain cake doughnut may cause no symptoms at all in a healthy, young pup.

If you are really wanting to share a dessert with your furry friend, you should try our doggy doughnut recipe, which is safe for canine consumption.

Has your dog ever accidentally eaten a doughnut? Did they feel sick afterward? Let us know in the comments below.


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