Can dogs eat burritos? You may be asking this because your pup got a bite of your burrito lunch. Humans can eat burritos, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, burritos are not safe for dogs to eat. They contain ingredients that are not good for your doggo, like salt and spices.
If your dog has eaten a burrito, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. Here’s why burritos are so bad for dogs.
Why Are Burritos Bad For Dogs?
Burritos, though delicious for humans, are not good snacks for your pup. As mentioned previously, they contain spices that are not good for your dog’s digestive system, and they are also high in salt content. Too much salt can cause stomach upset in dogs.
Some burritos contain ingredients, like onions, that are downright dangerous for your dog to consume. Onions can cause anemia in dogs.
Because flour or corn tortillas aren’t the best for your pup, there aren’t many dog-safe burrito options, even if you use plain chicken or beef as a filling. It’s best to keep your dog’s diet burrito-free.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate A Burrito?

If your dog has eaten a burrito, you should contact your vet. Most burritos contain ingredients that can be harmful to your pup.
If you know that the burrito your furry friend ate contained an ingredient that is toxic to dogs, like onions, you should watch for symptoms and bring them to an emergency vet.
Your pup may exhibit signs of anemia, like diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weakness. Anemia is a serious condition and should be evaluated by a veterinary professional.
Your pup may also show signs of general stomach upset, which can be in the form of lethargy, diarrhea, or vomiting.
Even if your pup shows no signs of being affected by consuming a burrito, you should still call your vet and keep a close eye on any changes in behavior. When dealing with your pet’s safety, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten a burrito? Did they feel sick afterward? Let us know in the comments below.