Can dogs eat goat cheese? Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering if you could share some with your dog while adding goat cheese to a healthy lunch salad. If humans can eat goat cheese, can dogs safely eat it too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat goat cheese safely. It’s not technically considered to be toxic for dogs — unlike blue cheeses which in general should be avoided. But goat cheese could also aggravate dogs who suffer from lactose intolerance.
So consider goat cheese more like an occasional, small snack for your dog rather than a food that should be part of their regular diet.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your canine friend, including cheese. Here’s what you need to know about goat cheese and dogs.
When Is Goat Cheese Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Goat cheese is not toxic or poisonous for dogs. In terms of nutritional benefits, it provides some protein along with some key fatty acids that can help with the proper metabolism of fat.
Goat cheese is also a good source of the nutrients magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, plus a number of B vitamins.
Additionally, the cheese is soft enough to be used as a way to administer medicine to your dog if they shy away from taking their pills. Your vet can help show you pill pocket tactics.
If you decide to serve up some goat cheese to your dog as a treat, the precise amount of cheese that’s safe for your dog to consume will depend on a variety of factors including their age, weight, and general health.
Your vet can help you to formulate safe cheese guidelines for your particular dog.
When Is Goat Cheese Bad For Dogs?

Unfortunately, goat cheese contains lactose, which means that it can be a risky food to give to a dog who has any sort of lactose intolerance issues. In general, if you notice an adverse reaction when your dog eats cheese or dairy, it’s best to try and cut it out of their diet.
Goat cheese can also be high in sodium and fat, which are not great for your dog’s health. Feeding your dog too much goat cheese might contribute towards canine obesity, which in turn can result in a host of other medical conditions.
Additionally, many goat cheeses you can buy in the store or supermarket might have extra herbs or spices added, which could themselves prove to be toxic or harmful to your dog.
So while you can probably feel safe serving a small amount of plain goat cheese to your dog as a fun, occasional snack, always make sure to only serve it in moderation.
Does your dog enjoy the taste of goat cheese? Have you ever used it as a treat? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!