Can dogs eat broccoli rabe? You may be asking this because you’re curious about giving a new treat to your dog, or maybe your pup got into the veggie drawer and had a broccoli rabe snack. Humans can eat broccoli rabe, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is yes, broccoli rabe is safe for dogs to eat. However, it must be noted that raw broccoli rabe can be harmful if eaten in large amounts. When cooked, broccoli rabe, sometimes called rapini, has tons of beneficial qualities for your pup.
However, as with any human food, be sure to contact your veterinarian before introducing your dog to new foods or ingredients. Here’s what you should know about feeding broccoli rabe to your dog.
How Is Broccoli Rabe Good For Dogs?
Broccoli rabe is a nutrient-rich member of the cabbage family. It has a distinct flavor that some dogs really enjoy, which is an added bonus considering all of the vitamins and minerals it supplies your pup.
This veggie is high in folates, also known as vitamin B9 or folic acid. Folates are important in cell growth and function and aid in boosting your dog’s immune system.
In addition to containing vitamins A, C, and E, broccoli rabe is loaded with vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential in blood clotting, so if your pup tends to get themselves into situations where they sustain a cut or two, feeding them broccoli rabe on occasion may aid in scabbing and healing.
In fact, in instances where a dog accidentally ingests rat poison, the poison alters the dog’s ability to synthesize vitamin K and can cause internal bleeding if not treated swiftly.
Because Vitamin K is absolutely essential to your pup’s health, broccoli rabe is a wonderful treat for your four-legged friend.
How Can I Safely Give Broccoli Rabe To My Dog?

It’s important to note that dogs should not eat raw broccoli rabe. Raw broccoli rabe is high in goitrogen, which can cause hypothyroidism in dogs if consumed in high amounts. Cooked broccoli rabe, however, is perfectly safe and nutritious.
You can steam, blanch, or sauté broccoli rabe for your pup. Make sure to chop the leaves into smaller pieces. Dog’s digestive systems are not equipped to digest whole leaves like human digestive systems.
Do not to add oils or spices because these additions are harmful to your doggo’s digestive system.
You might also consider baking broccoli rabe and peppering the crispy leaf onto your dog’s normal meal as a treat. After all, every dog deserves a fancy dinner every once in a while. As with every addition to your pup’s diet, broccoli rabe should be enjoyed in moderation.
Has your dog ever eaten broccoli rabe? Would you ever bake this veggie to give your dog a crispy, nutritious treat? Let us know in the comments below?