Photo of a Beagle peeing in a dog park in the autumn. This breed can be prone to proteinuria, a condition which can cause excess protein in the urine.
(Photo Credit: olaser | Getty Images)

Excess Protein In Dogs’ Urine: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Excess protein in dogs’ urine can either be an abnormality that’s easily remedied by dietary changes, or it can be a condition called proteinuria, which is a sign of diseases or medical conditions that can be quite serious. Here’s what you should know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for excess protein in dogs’ urine.

Symptoms of excess protein in dogs’ urine

Excess protein in dogs’ urine is itself a symptom of other medical conditions, so there are often no other accompanying symptoms. Although it’s normal for dogs to have some protein in their urine, protein levels can become too high for the kidneys to filter. Because dogs who suffer from proteinuria sometimes do not show symptoms of the condition, it is often found through routine urinalysis at regular vet visits.

When symptoms can appear along with excess protein in the urine, they depend on the underlying cause of the dog’s proteinuria. Some of these symptoms that may occur along with excess protein in the urine include:

  • Visible blood in the urine
  • Anorexia
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
  • High blood pressure

Causes of excess protein in dogs’ urine

Sometimes excess protein in dogs’ urine can be due to improper diet or strenuous exercise. These are usually not too worrisome and are easy to treat with dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as with proper hydration. It can also happen gradually in older dogs, but it can also be the result of kidney disease or other medical issues. If your veterinarian finds excess protein in your dog’s urine, then they must determine the underlying cause and treat the issue.

However, several medical conditions and illnesses can be the underlying cause of proteinuria.

Here are several possible reasons for excess protein in dogs’ urine:

Treatments for excess protein in dogs’ urine

Treatment depends on the cause of the condition. For instance, some underlying causes may be treated with dietary changes. Usually these diets are low in protein, phosphorous, and sodium while being high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Sometimes vets additionally prescribe baby aspirin to help prevent blood clotting problems.

Vets treat further underlying diseases and conditions on an individual basis. If there’s inflammation, infection, or a risk of infection developing, then vets may prescribe antibiotics. Vets may also give intravenous fluids to dogs suffering from dehydration. They may treat high blood pressure with a calcium channel blocker or beta blocker.

If your dog suffers from proteinuria, your veterinarian will determine the cause and treat it accordingly.

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