Norvasc is a common brand name for the drug amlodipine bensylate, which is a medication used to treat high blood pressure in dogs.
It works by blocking the entry of calcium into the walls of blood vessels. Muscles need calcium to contract, and blocking calcium forces the smooth muscles of the blood vessels to relax, lowering blood pressure.
You should only give Norvasc or any other medication with amlodipine to your dog if you have a veterinarian’s prescription. Follow your vet’s instructions closely for proper use of Norvasc for your dog.
You can easily order amlodipine bensylate online from Chewy’s pharmacy with your vet’s prescription.
Here’s what you should know about the uses, dosage, and side effects of Norvasc in dogs.
Uses Of Norvasc For Dogs

The main use of Norvasc in dogs is to treat high blood pressure or hypertension, though it’s also used in the treatment of congestive heart failure.
Because it relaxes the blood vessel muscles and reduces blood pressure, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood.
Dosage Of Norvasc For Dogs

The following is a guideline and should not replace your vet’s advice about dosage for your individual dog.
The usual dosage of Norvasc for dogs is 0.025 to 0.05 mg per pound given once per day orally. The medication is usually available in 2.5 to 5 mg tablets.
You should follow your vet’s instructions on how to administer the proper dosage. Your vet may adjust the dosage depending on your dog’s response to the drug or for the severity of their condition.
It’s important to follow dosing instructions carefully and continue the medication regimen until your vet tells you to stop. A missed dose can cause your dog’s blood pressure to spontaneously increase, which can lead to blindness, kidney damage, seizures, and collapse.
Side Effects Of Norvasc For Dogs

Norvasc or other drugs that contain amlodipine bensylate can cause several side effects in dogs.
If the dosage is too high or if a dog is overexposed, then the dog may develop the opposite of high blood pressure, which is hypotension, or low blood pressure. This can lead to weakness, depression, or fainting.
If you see these symptoms in your dog, contact your vet immediately.
Here are a few other side effects you might see in dogs who take Norvasc or other amlodipine bensylate medications:
- Loss of appetite
- Lethargy
- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Increased heart rate
- Swollen gums
- Weight loss
If any of these side effects become extreme or cause you concern, then you should contact your vet, as they may wish to adjust the dosage or try a different form of treatment.
Your vet should be aware of any other medications your dog is taking, as these can interact poorly with Norvasc. Certain medications can increase blood pressure, such as asthma medications.
As with all drugs, amlodipine bensylate may cause an allergic reaction that can lead to anaphylaxis. If you see the signs of an allergic reaction in your dog, contact your vet immediately.
Has your dog ever been treated with Norvasc or another medication with amlodipine bensylate? Was it effective? Let us know in the comments below!