(Photo Credit: Sandra Edwards via KSBW)

Dog and Paddleboarder Survive Shark Encounter at California Beach

A paddleboarder and his dog survived a close encounter with a shark in Pacific Grove, California yesterday.

The photo of the bitten board above shows just how close the shark was to the duo.

Close Encounter

According to a statement made by the Pacific Grove Police Department, the paddeboarder and his dog were attacked by a shark approximately 150 yards out to sea from Lovers Point Pier.

“During the encounter, the shark swam underneath, turned, and bit the paddleboard device. The Pacific Grove resident and his dog were thrown off the board during the encounter. They were able to get back on the board and paddle to shore, uninjured,” the statement reads.

Officials obtained the board and are using the bite mark to determine what kind of shark attempted the attack. They also closed the section of the beach where the attack occurred. It will remain closed until August 13. 

This close call comes after another beachgoer was brutally attacked by a great white shark at the same beach in June.

Is My Dog Shark Bait?

If all of your knowledge about this aquatic animal comes from the “Jaws” films, you may be misinformed.

You might have also heard a rumor that swimming with your dog makes you and your pup bait. Don’t fret; this is not true. These highly-feared creatures don’t want to take a bite out of your furry friend any more than they want to take a bite out of you. 

Frequently, shark attacks are merely a case of wrong place, wrong time. In 2021, there were 127 recorded shark-on-human bites — 39 of those considered “provoked.” 

If you stay close to shore with your pup, you are very, very unlikely to encounter one of these animals. Still, if you plan to take a beach day with your dog, there are things you should keep in mind to be as eco-conscious as possible. 

Remember that you and your dog are visitors at a place many other species consider their home.

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