A congressional report has strongly recommended the recall of flea and tick collars manufactured by the company Seresto.
The reason behind the recommended recall of the Seresto flea and tick collars is that they have been linked to over 2,500 pet deaths, according to the report. Both dogs and cats can use the flea collars, and Seresto has sold over 34 million collars to date.
The investigation behind the report took over 16 months.
During the course of the investigation, the House subcommittee discovered that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had rushed through the approval of the Seresto flea and tick collars. Additionally, the report criticized the science behind the decision.
Why Should Seresto Flea & Tick Collars Be Recalled?

On June 15, 2022, the chairman of the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy held a hearing to look into claims that Seresto flea collars caused the deaths of a number of pets.
The hearing concluded that the EPA rushed the approval granted in 2012. It also alleged that a senior official in the Trump Administration attempted to downplay concerns about the collars in 2017.
Beyond the 2,500 deaths attributed to use of Seresto flea collars, the hearing also looked into nearly 100,000 incidents involving side effects.
Some of the most common symptoms that pets experienced while using the flea collars include:
- Acting lethargic
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Muscle tremors
- Skin irritations
- Lesions
- Convulsions
In some cases, humans also experienced symptoms such as dermatitis and hives when exposed to the collars.
After conducting a 16 month investigation, the subcommittee recommended recalling all currently available collars along with improving the EPA review process and data collection methods.
Alternative Home Remedies For Fleas

With the news that Seresto’s flea and tick collars should be recalled, you might be looking for more homemade or holistic ways to safeguard your pet from fleas.
Some of the most common home remedies for fleas include:
- Apple cider vinegar (mixed with water)
- A mix of aloe vera and cayenne pepper
- Lavender spray
- Diatomaceous earth to treat the home environment
- Cedar chips to ward off fleas
For more info on how to use these remedies, check out DogTime’s full article here!
Have you ever purchased a Seresto flea and tick collar? Did you or your pet have any side effects? Let us know in the comments section below.