A dog in Russia fell through the ice of a frozen pond and couldn’t pull himself out. The pup surely would have drowned or died of hypothermia if it weren’t for an unknown shirtless hero who bravely crawled out onto the ice to save him.

The frightened dog had no idea that this man was a friend and tried to bite his rescuer. He managed to chomp the man’s hand pretty good, drawing some blood. But the rescuer wasn’t about to let mother nature, a dog bite, or presumably Armageddon itself stop him from saving this dog.

Finally, he got a hold of the scruff of the pup’s neck and dragged the scared animal to safety. The dog trotted off, and the man, like a true tough guy, rubbed some snow in his wound and walked away with a smile on his face. Emergency services arrived to treat the bite on the man’s hand shortly after, and the dog was taken home to recover.
Would you do what this man did to save a dog? Is this man a hero? Let us know in the comments below!
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