Louie the Dachshund loves two things: his family and big piles of crunchy leaves. So when his owner, Megan Determan, and her fiance, Chris Kluthe, decided to include Louie in their fall engagement photos taken by DnK Photography, Louie had some trouble containing his excitement.

The resulting photos show Louie zooming back and forth around the couple, jumping and nipping the leaves. And he didn’t let his stumpy Wiener dog legs stop him from leaping high into the air. Since the photos were posted, the pup and his photobombs have gone viral, even getting news coverage in France and the U.K.

Louie’s owners wanted to include him in the shoot because they didn’t have any good photos of him. Now they have plenty to choose from. The sheer look of joy on the pup’s face is enough to brighten anyone’s day. He doesn’t care that he’s supposed to be in an elegant engagement photo. Louie isn’t afraid to throw decorum to the wind along with the leaves and have a good time. His owners plan to proudly hang a framed photo of Louie’s photobomb in their home.

To see the rest of the photos from the shoot visit DnK Photography’s blog!