The shocking moment a dog attacks a shark was captured on film by terrified tourists. Passengers on a boat excursion in the Bahamas were excited to witness a close-up view of a hammerhead shark swimming in the depths of the water. But amusement quickly turned to shock. A local dog jumped from a nearby pier into the water and confronted the aquatic animal.
Dog Sees Shark
The species of shark is known for their size and can reach up to 20 feet in length. The 12-foot hammerhead wandered close to shore. The boat operator took the opportunity to safely approach.
“At the same time that we were all looking at the shark, the dog also noticed the shark,” Rebecca Lightbourn recounts. Lightbourn, the reservation manager at Exuma Water Sports, says “the dog always comes running out to just chase the boat and say hello”.
The dog belongs to the owner of the private island the tour boat was passing on the water excursion. Because of the pup’s friendly greetings, the company incorporated a visit passing the island’s shoreline into the tour route. “It’s sort of become a part of the tour, that we always wave to the dog as we go past,” Lightbourn says.
Jaws Against Paws
With a splash, the brazen Bahamian Potcake began paddling directly toward the shark. Suddenly, the dog attacks the shark. Footage of the encounter shows the dog splashing in the water, biting the animal. Viewers can hear screams and pleading from those onboard, begging the dog to get out of the water.
“Whether he wanted to protect his island or just wanted to play with what looked to him like a really big fish in the water, he just went after it,” Lightbourn describes.
The dog paddles for nearly three minutes, thrashing with the shark in the crystal blue water. Passengers and crew are heard trying to determine how the dog will get out of the water, as an exit is not readily available. Fortunately for both animals, the confrontation ends without injury. The dog manages to make it back to land. The shark, confused and frightened, swims away.
Rebecca Lightbourn said she had seen the pup since the unexpected event and he is doing well.