(Picture Credit: Dann Tardif / Getty Images)

Dog Reunited With Family After 12 Years

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(Picture Credit: John P Kelly / Getty Images)

One of the most difficult things a dog parent can go through is having their dog go missing. Sometimes, there’s a happy ending, with many parents being reunited with their canines before long. Other times, unfortunately, the pups may never be found.

Dog mom Liz Eldridge had finally given up hope that her dog, Missie, would be found. But 12 years later, she’s been reunited with the Border Terrier, Metro reports.

The 51-year-old first bought Missie for her son, Oscar, as a birthday present. However, she believes that somebody stole the poor pup in February 2011. Despite plenty of searching and some possible sightings, the family never expected to see Missie again.

Making up for Lost Time

Amazingly, a member of the public found Missie last Tuesday (Nov. 15). The dog was microchipped, but as she went missing so soon after arriving at Liz’s home, the microchip was still in the breeder’s name.

But after the pooch was handed into dog wardens, the family finally reunited with her at their home in the English town of Harpenden.

Veterinarians believe that Missie has been used for breeding, leaving her quite wary and timid. “It was a mixture of pure joy but also sadness, as Missie was in a terrible state,” explained Liz. “She has obviously been used constantly for breeding and was very nervous and timid.

“We believe she had been kept on a chain and beaten. Every time I went to put a lead on, she was so scared.”

However, Missie is making some progress, and her tail is wagging more frequently.

The Importance of Microchipping

Liz is also urging pet parents to get their animals microchipped. “I hadn’t got round to changing the breeder’s details to mine so there were a few complications,” she said, “‘We got there in the end, but I’d like this to be a lesson to all owners to remember to update their pets’ details.

“It only takes a few minutes, but it’s vitally important and could mean the difference between finding your pet or losing it forever.”

Missie isn’t the only pup to be found years later, either. Last month, a dog in the UK was found after going missing 300 miles away seven years ago.

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