The German Shepherd is revered by many as a brave and stoic companion. This breed is regarded as supremely intelligent, and they’ve been used for many different jobs – therapy dog; war hero; police dog. It’s no wonder that the breed is the second most popular breed out of 193 AKC-registered breeds. However, most German Shepherds don’t accomplish much more than being good dogs.
One heroic pup went above and beyond and protected his family’s six-year-old from an aggressive dog.
Boy’s Best Friend
Tank the German Shepherd was adopted as a pet, not as a guard dog. But, while playing in his yard with his six-year-old sibling, an aggressive black dog approached rapidly. This dog attempted to attack the child, who was playing with his own pups.
Tank leaped into action and drove away the attacker until the aggressive dog’s parent managed to catch him and get him back on a leash. He was aided by the family’s other pup, a slower but well-meaning Pit Bull. Thankfully, no humans or dogs were injured.
What To Do When Good Dogs Go Bad
Anyone can be a victim of a dog attack. More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, and more than 800,000 receive medical attention for dog bites, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). At least half of those bitten are children.
While not always preventable, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. Learn to read dog behavior so your own dog doesn’t bite. Keep your own pup properly contained. Avoid unleashed dogs, even if they appear friendly. And don’t allow young children around unfamiliar dogs.