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Author (Page 44)
Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Pancytopenia in dogs is a medical term that refers to the development of a number of blood-related issues occurring at…
Hyphema in dogs is a medical condition that results in blood making its way into the front chamber of the…
Hemothorax in dogs is a medical condition that happens when blood collects in the chest cavity. It's a serious medical…
Pulmonary thromboembolism in dogs is a medical condition that involves the presence of a blood clot in one of the…
Blind quiet eye in dogs is a medical condition that involves a dog losing vision but without any obvious, visible…
Bleeding under the skin in dogs is a medical condition that usually happens when injuries result in hemorrhaging under the…
Polypoid cystitis in dogs is a medical condition that involves an infected or inflamed bladder. It can cause polyps to…
Black widow spider poisoning in dogs happens when a black widow bites and injects venomous neurotoxin into the dog's body. It can…
Retinal hemorrhage in dogs is a medical condition that happens when the inner lining of a dog's eye becomes susceptible…
Dystocia in dogs is term that can refer to a broad range of difficulties that might arise during the birthing…
Cholestasis in dogs is a condition that arises when the bile in a dog's body cannot move freely from the…
Bile duct cancer in dogs is a malignant form of cancer that develops in the lining of the liver's bile…
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