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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Liver fistula in dogs is a congenital condition that happens when blood bypasses the liver. Thankfully, the condition is quite…
Liver fibrosis in dogs is a noninflammatory condition that harms the liver. The condition usually affects young dogs the most.
Liver failure (acute) in dogs happens when a dog's liver loses over 70 percent of its function. The cause of…
Liver disease (copper storage) in dogs happens when too much copper is stored in the liver. The condition is often…
Liver and gallbladder cancer in dogs is a condition where a dog develops cancer of the liver and gallbladder at…
Lice in dogs refers to a type of parasite. The condition happens when the parasites infect a dog and feed…
Lead poisoning in dogs often happens when a dog has too much lead in their blood. Usually, the condition is…
Lactic acid build-up in dogs happens when too much lactic acid exists in the body. The condition can actually be…
Lack of bowel control in dog happens when a dog cannot control when they poop. The condition can cause embarrassment…
Kidney toxicity (drug-induced) in dogs happens when a dog's kidneys become damaged by inappropriate medicine. The condition affects older dogs…
Struvite urolithiasis in dogs is a condition that involves a specific type of kidney stones. The stones are made up…
Kidney inflammation due to fluid accumulation in dogs affects one or both kidneys. The condition is caused by a capsule…
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