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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Gingival fibrosarcoma in dogs is a specific form of mouth cancer. Specifically, the condition usually starts in the gums.
Oral chondrosarcoma in dogs is a type of bone cancer that starts in the mouth. Specifically, the condition is caused…
Mouth cancer in dogs happens when a dog develops abnormal tissue growth in the mouth. The exact cause of the…
Mothball toxicity in dogs often happens when a dog eats a mothball. Additionally, the fumes from mothballs can also cause…
Miscarriage in dogs happens when a fetus dies during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the condition can happen at any point of a…
Brucellosis in dogs is a bacterial infection. The condition often affects a dog's reproductive system and can cause miscarriages.
Non-inflammatory metabolic myopathy in dogs is a type of muscle disease. The condition is often caused by enzyme defects.
Intestinal cancer in dogs is a condition caused by malignant tumors. The tumors are often found in a dog's gastrointestinal…
Kennel cough in dogs is a respiratory disease. The condition is considered to be highly contagious in dogs and produces…
Lysosomal storage diseases in dogs are caused by a lack of certain enzymes. Subsequently, the condition often affects the nervous…
Mesothelioma in dogs is a rare condition that involves cancerous tumors. The condition is suspected to be caused by exposure…
Maternal behavior problems in dogs is a condition that affects female dogs. The condition usually takes one of two distinct…
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