saveloy sausage slices on cutting board topview
(Picture Credit: DenisenkoMax/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Saveloy? Is Saveloy Safe For Dogs?

Can dogs eat saveloy? Maybe you’ve wondered if you could share some with your pup while sizzling up saveloy sausages for supper. If humans can eat saveloy, can dogs safely eat it too?

The short answer is no, dogs can’t eat saveloy safely. While saveloy might not technically be classified as toxic for dogs, it’s a type of pork-based sausage that is high in sodium and high in fat. Additionally, it often contains extra added spices that could prove to be harmful to your dog.

If your dog eats a lot of saveloy, you should call your veterinarian for advice. Here’s what you need to know about saveloy and dogs.

Why Is Saveloy Bad For Dogs?

Saveloy is a processed meat sausage that’s usually made out of pork. With it being so high in fat and sodium, it’s a bad choice for dogs. This is because high fat foods can lead to canine obesity, which in turn can bring on a host of medical problems.

Additionally, eating too many fatty foods heightens a dog’s risk of developing pancreatitis.

When it comes to high sodium foods like saveloy, they can cause a dog to develop heart disease and high blood pressure. In some cases, eating too many sodium-rich foods can bring on a case of salt poisoning.

Additionally, many commercially produced saveloy sausages have spices added to them that could prove to be harmful to your dog.

What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Saveloy?

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(Picture Credit: MarkGillow/Getty Images)

First of all, don’t panic. If you notice your dog sneaking in a small bite of saveloy, they will most likely be fine. Just keep an eye out for any symptoms of salt poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, and drinking more water than usual.

If you suspect that your pooch has scarfed down a lot of saveloy, it’s best to consult with your vet. They will be able to advise you whether your dog needs medical help based on factors like your dog’s age and size plus the amount of saveloy they have consumed.

Has your dog ever snacked on saveloy? Did they feel sick afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!

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