Chris Evans' Dog Dodger
[Image Credit: Instagram / @chrisevans]

Chris Evans’ Dog Dodger: Breed, Age, and More

Chris Evans adores his pooch Dodger is Insta famous and his fans swoon over the pup. From traveling to hiking and everything in between, the duo do most of the things together. Here is what we know about Chris Evans’ pet dog Dodger’s age and breed. 

How old is Chris Evans’ dog Dodger?

The age of Chris Evans pet dog Dodger is 8. The actor adopted the fur baby from a rescue in April 2017 while shooting his movie “Gifted.” And since then the duo have been best friends.

The star chose the name Doger for his pet canine after the Artful Dodger in Disney’s 1988 film “Oliver & Company.” Talking about his furry friend, the star told People, “One of the last scenes we were filming was in a pound, a kennel. I foolishly walked in, and I thought, ‘Are these actor dogs, or are these real up-for-adoption dogs?’ And sure enough, they were, so I was walking up and down the aisles and saw this one dude, and he didn’t belong there. I snagged him, and he’s such a good dog.”

 What breed is Chris Evans’ dog Dodger? 

The breed of Chris Evans’ dog Dodger is a boxer mix. They are fun, high-energy, loyal, and good companion dogs. Their lifespan is 9-14 years.

Although Dodger is a honest and a good boy, but Chris Evans says he does get a “little jealous if I’m giving another dog love.” But Dodger is no less than a celebrity. He and his owner, Chris Evans have even teamed up with pet food brand, Jinx, to promote healthy dog food. 

Chris Evans’ love for dogs is not new. It goes way back. He was a pet parent to his first dog, East. Sadly, the Bulldog passed away in 2013 at 12 years of age.

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