A heartwarming video shows a once-hairless puppy, discovered with mites at a homeless encampment in California, now experiencing comfort and care in a foster home. Naya, a young dog who had been living in precarious conditions, was found with words scribbled across her skin and suffering from a severe mite infestation. Due to the intervention of Hungry Tailz, an animal rescue group dedicated to helping pets, Naya is now on a path to recovery.
Video shows hairless rescue pup recovering in foster home
Naya’s story began when a homeless woman approached the organization, seeking help for the hairless puppy. The pup was suffering from Demodex mites, which thrive in animals with weakened immune systems. Without intervention, these mites cause significant skin irritation and hair loss.
The rescue team from Hungry Tailz, who regularly visits encampments in Stockton, California, to provide food, medical supplies, and support, took immediate action. They began treating Naya with Credelio, a medication that targets and eliminates mites, offering the puppy a chance at a healthier life. Despite her severe condition, dedicated caregivers are working to fully restore her health.
While Naya was fortunate to find a safe haven, many other puppies in similar circumstances do not survive until adulthood due to diseases and harsh living conditions. According to reports, a significant number of homeless individuals in the United States keep pets often in conditions not conducive to their well-being. Hungry Tailz emphasizes the urgent need for affordable spaying and neutering resources to prevent the cycle of reproduction and suffering in these environments.
As for Naya, her future looks bright. Once she has fully recovered, she will be ready for adoption. Hungry Tailz is hopeful that Naya will soon find a loving family, as she has already shown herself to be a friendly companion who gets along well with other pets and people.